Our story before deciding to adopt
Let's start off by telling how we came to this decision. We always grow up thinking that when a women decides she wants to have a baby you and your husband will just be able to have that baby without really thinking twice about not being able to. Well this is something that we struggled with. I knew for years I had fertility concerns so when Aaron and I got married we tried for kids not long after. Our 1st miscarriage was horrible. We went to the doctor so excited to see our 1st little heartbeat. We walked in holding hands and lots of smiles but left holding hands in silence not knowing what to do or think. The Dr told us that the baby was measuring 5.5 weeks and no heartbeat and I knew that I was at least 8 weeks along. For the sake of time I won't go into all the details but we went back a week later for another ultrasound to be sure and they confirmed our worst fear. I had to have a D&C done to remove the fetus. If I heard from one more person " I am sorry but God has a plan and this just wasn't the right time or the perfect baby for you" I would scream. I don't care what his plans were and I didn't want to hear this wasn't the "right" baby for me. It was my baby and I wanted him or her. Well time had passed after many medications we were pregnant again. I started to have faith again but scared. We heard our little heartbeat and God had me dreaming about a little boy. My dreams were so vivid and real and I can see this little boy that I knew it was a boy then. Well turns out it was a girl. Even after I find out that I was carrying a girl I still imagined and could see this little boy. I didn't think much of it but was just so excited that I bought every little pink or purple outfit I could find. The kid wasn't even here yet and had more shoes than I did! On August 26th 2014 we gave birth to our beautiful Addison. She came into this world dramatically when she stopped breathing and we had to have an emergency C-Section but in the end she is healthy and happy. Because of issues I had there are reasons that make it risky for me to carry another child and we don't even know if they can successfully get me pregnant again with fertility drugs. Aaron and I gave this a lot of thought and decided we are ok with one child and won't have another. Well God spoke to me again and showed me this same little boy. This boy that I keep seeing, I know is supposed to be my son and God's plan for me. Aaron and I decided we are blessed with a great marriage, a daughter, successful careers and two supportive families. My heart was telling recently that I am supposed to have another child. With that our story begins and Aaron and I have decided to adopt a baby boy!